Privacy policy

How NorskFlørt handles the data that is collected.

During the registration process and use of NorskFlørt, storing user information is necessary. Without this information, you cannot participate in the services offered by NorskFlørt. This is a website where users are matched on the basis of their declared preferences.
All data, whether personal information such as email address, address, ethnic preferences, height, hair color, payment information or other information that enables us to identify you, is considered and treated as highly sensitive personal information. NorskFlørt respects this information and will treat it with utmost confidentiality at all times.


As a user of NorskFlørt, owned by PAS. O.I. FOP (Org. number 261400011), you grant permission for the use of intellectual property rights with respect to the content that is given to you. This license specifically includes rights of NorskFlørt to reproduce, display, adapt, translate, scan and transfer content related to profiles (information, images, descriptions, search criteria, etc.)

How do we use your personal information?

Your expressed consent allows us to use your personal information for various purposes, including updates in relation to our product, (personal) news, notification of received messages from other members and analysis of user habits on NorskFlørt. Your data as profile preferences, images, usernames, passwords, messages will be stored.

How do we release your personal information?

We will provide your personal information to our service providers. Think of services that allow you to pay by phone. We only provide information that is strictly necessary for the operation of the website.

In the case of authorized government agencies requesting disclosure of your personal information, they will be extradited. We will also disclose your information in case we believe that disclosure will be a necessary measure to protect our rights or agreements or to enforce our agreements, policies and regulations regarding the use of NorskFlørt.
Under no circumstances will we sell or rent your personal data for marketing purposes to third parties without your consent. However, your personal data may be used to collect information related to other advertising parties for marketing and advertising. But only in cases where you cannot be personally identified.

Keep your personal information and password for yourself

Never publish, share or distribute personal information that you dont want others to see on forums, blogs, or chat rooms. When other people ask you about your personal information, you must be aware that this cannot be an employee of NorskFlørt. Feel free to ask some critical questions to ensure that you chat with an employee of NorskFlørt. Never share your username or password with others. When you lose your password, there is a possibility that you will lose control of your personal information and legal action on your part may be necessary. If you suspect that the password has been disclosed to third parties, you must immediately change the password and (or) contact through our customer service.
The contents of external links are not controlled by us. This is the supplier responsible for. However, these contents may be removed if they violate rights or laws.

Changing or deleting your personal information

Once registered, you can review, modify and delete your personal information. This includes your email address, your city, your county, zip code, country, password and profile data.
We want you to change your information accurately by logging into your account and checking all the information you provided. We also strongly recommend that you change your password regularly. This reduces the risk of unwanted access to your account.
Upon request, we will remove any information you have provided. But we will keep information about unsolved complaints, so that it is available in case old complaints should become applicable again. Information that you have shared with other members shall not be disclosed to us by other parties. But it is beyond our control to check what members do with the information you have given them.


NorskFlørt takes all necessary measures to ensure that your information is protected against abuse and/or modifications. To do this, we use proven methods such as firewalls. Complete security on the internet will probably never exist, but our team does everything to protect your personal data as well as possible.

Update / Delete / Opt-out

You can ask us at any time to provide you with all your information. To the extent permitted, this content will be made available to you. Personal information can be changed or deleted on the website. Apart from that, you can also contact our support.

Use of cookies

As of June 1, 2020, NorskFlørt uses cookies only in order to ensure better user experience. Please contact our support in order to get a full list of cookies.

Inclusive comments

This information was published for the first time on June 1, 2018. It may be that the summary mentioned above, despite all our efforts, is not 100% complete yet. We are working to complete it. If you find a cookie that is not on the list provided for you, you can report it to us via Support.
We want to announce that these statements sometimes need to be adjusted because, for example, we change our website or the rules around cookies. The contents of the statements and cookies included in the lists can always be changed without warning. You can contact our customer support for the latest version.